In our lifetime, we spend one-third of our time sleeping, and the quality of our mattress directly impacts our sleep. A poor mattress can lead to waking up with a sore back, feeling exhausted from restless sleep, and lacking energy throughout the day. It’s a frustrating experience that affects our overall well-being.

Many people face sleep issues, which significantly impact their physical health. Therefore, selecting a suitable mattress becomes crucial. Without professional guidance, one might rely on simple criteria like ‘feels comfortable’ or ‘has good elasticity’ when visiting furniture stores. However, choosing the right mattress is indeed a specialized skill. The following discussion will share key tips and methods for mattress selection, aiming to help everyone make better choices. Let’s learn how to buy a mattress together!

The key to determining the quality of a mattress lies in its spring system. Currently, mattresses on the market primarily feature three types of spring systems: Bonnell springs, pocket coils (individually wrapped coils), and continuous coils. When purchasing a mattress, it’s advisable to avoid Bonnell springs because they tend to be noisy and lower quality, typically not preferred in mid to high-end mattresses. In contrast, pocket coils and continuous coils are more common choices. Pocket coil systems consist of individual springs wrapped in fabric pockets, providing independent support that adapts to each person’s body, minimizing motion transfer and ensuring a peaceful sleep environment. Continuous coil mattresses use a single wire to form a series of connected springs, offering sturdy support and durability suitable for various sleep preferences.

Currently, the better mattress spring systems on the market are pocket coils and continuous coils. Pocket coils are superior to continuous coils for several reasons:
Pocket coils are designed with smaller coils at the ends and larger coils in the middle, ensuring minimal friction between coils under compression, which means they operate silently.
The independent movement of each coil allows for an even distribution of pressure on the mattress surface, preventing undue pressure on the body’s capillaries and avoiding feelings of soreness and fatigue.
On the market, there may be instances where pocket coils are misrepresented as continuous coils. So how can consumers distinguish between these two types of mattresses when making a purchase? It’s simple—use your hands to feel.
When buying a mattress, consumers can feel the spring system from the side. Pocket coils are shaped like an hourglass, with smaller coils at the ends and larger coils in the middle. In contrast, continuous coils are the opposite, with larger coils at the ends and smaller coils in the middle, forming a concave shape. Therefore, when these two types of coils are laid out in a mattress if you feel that pressing into them results in a few centimeters of depression and a wire-like sensation, then they are likely continuous coils. Some retailers may try to deceive consumers by placing pocket coils on the outer layer and using continuous coils inside, making it difficult to distinguish using the side-feel method. In such cases, consumers can lightly press on the mattress. If pressing in one area doesn’t affect the surrounding areas, then it’s likely a mattress with “non-interfering” pocket coils!

- Individually responsive, non-interfering. Each spring compresses independently without affecting the surrounding area, providing better conformity.
- Bonnell springs, concave shape, larger at the ends and smaller in the middle.
- Pocket coils, hourglass shape, smaller at the ends and larger in the middle.
- Tight stitching, high density.
- Smooth touch, thick fabric.
Today’s mattress market offers a wide range of fabric options, including knitted fabrics, quilted knitted fabrics, woven fabrics, spun knitted fabrics, and printed fabrics. Typically, mid to high-end mattresses feature high-quality fabrics such as woven fabrics, quilted knitted fabrics, and spun knitted fabrics. When evaluating mattress quality based on fabric, two key aspects are considered: fabric weight and durability.
Fabric weight, measured in grams per square meter, is a critical indicator of mattress fabric quality and longevity. How do you assess fabric weight? It’s simple: first look, then feel! Fabrics with higher weight typically exhibit high weaving density, minimal gaps between threads, and a thick, smooth texture. When pressed firmly, they provide noticeable resilience and remain silent. However, mattress durability requires assessment by specialized equipment and cannot be evaluated by touch alone. Well-designed mattresses often have a lifespan of up to 15 years.
High-Quality Fillings Determine Mattress Longevity and Consumer Comfort.
Apart from fabric and springs, the choice of fillings significantly impacts a mattress’s quality. With the emergence of new materials in the market, there’s a wide variety of mattress fillings available, but this also increases the risk of compromising quality to cut costs. When choosing a mattress, this crucial aspect should not be overlooked.
Common mattress fillings include cotton, foam, memory foam, coconut fiber, and natural latex. Next, we will focus on the characteristics and benefits of latex mattresses, memory foam mattresses, and coconut fiber mattresses.
Latex Mattress:
Experimental results have shown that latex mattresses significantly reduce the breeding of bacteria and dust mites compared to other types of mattresses in similar environments, demonstrating superior antibacterial and mite-repelling effects.
Made from latex, these mattresses offer high elasticity to accommodate individuals of varying weights. Their excellent support adapts to diverse sleeping positions. Latex mattresses provide greater contact area with the body compared to conventional mattresses, evenly distributing body weight to correct poor sleeping posture and boasting antibacterial properties. Additionally, latex mattresses are known for being noise-free and vibration-free, effectively enhancing sleep quality.

Palm Mattress:
The palm mattress is among the firmest types available, making it ideal for children, the elderly, those with spinal issues, or anyone who prefers a firmer sleeping surface. One of its key advantages is its breathability; made from natural materials, it’s non-toxic and safe for the body. The mattress’s porous structure promotes air circulation, helping to keep it dry and comfortable. However, traditional palm mattresses often rely on glue for bonding, which can result in formaldehyde residue. This substance is notoriously difficult to fully eliminate and may take over three years to off-gas completely. Over time, the glue in these mattresses may degrade, leading to fiber collapse and mattress deterioration, making them less environmentally friendly.
In contrast, the latest innovation in palm mattresses is the glue-free coconut palm mattress. This type uses imported eco-friendly polyester fibers combined with natural coconut palm fibers, bonded through a physical process involving 185-degree high-temperature air penetration. This method involves no glue or adhesives, ensuring zero formaldehyde, no odors, mold resistance, and mite prevention. These mattresses also offer 100% resilience, excellent breathability, and moisture-wicking properties, combining low-carbon technology with natural, eco-friendly materials.

Foam Mattress:
The premium memory foam mattress, also known as space foam, is a type of slow-rebounding foam. Originally developed by NASA to reduce the immense gravitational pressure astronauts experience during space missions, memory foam has since become popular in mattresses.
Composed of spherical cells, memory foam features pressure and temperature-sensitive memory properties, allowing it to adapt to your body shape, weight, and temperature. The dense structure of memory foam can reduce the pressure on the neck, spine, and hips by up to 87%. Because it absorbs pressure effectively, memory foam significantly decreases the number of times you turn over during sleep, thereby improving sleep quality. For older adults or those with spinal deformities, this type of mattress can help maintain the natural alignment of the spine, preventing further deterioration. In the medical field, memory foam mattresses are known to alleviate pain, support post-surgical recovery, and help prevent bedsores due to their breathability.

Remember How to Buy a Mattress: Touch, Sit, Lie Down
You don’t need to be a professional to judge the quality of a mattress. As a regular homeowner, you can easily evaluate a mattress by following these three simple steps:
Touch: A good mattress cover should feel smooth, be thick, and have tightly stitched seams.
Sit: The ideal mattress height should align with your knees, offering strong bounce-back and a soft, comfortable feel when you sit down.
Lie Down: A quality mattress should conform closely to your legs, hips, back, and neck. In a time where sleep issues are common, choosing the right mattress is not just about fulfilling a basic need, but also about ensuring the health and well-being of yourself and your family. Have you learned how to buy a mattress?